The methods office plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between manufacturing or production workshops and design offices. Specifically, the functions and responsibilities of a methods office primarily involve collaborating with the design office to assess the feasibility and manufacturability of a product. The main objective of the educational process is to equip students with the skills needed to develop a comprehensive manufacturing process, all the while taking into consideration the product's design specifications, the type of production, and the necessary resources and tools for its realization.
Ultimately, the goal is for the learner to acquire the knowledge necessary for establishing a complete manufacturing process for a product. This includes tasks such as designing machining range projects and creating phase contracts. It is crucial for these projects to incorporate cost-effective production strategies, encompassing the scheduling of various machining operations and their organization into sub-phases and phases. Additionally, the thoughtful selection of machine tools and tooling, as well as the calculation of machining times, are integral aspects of this process.